3 research outputs found

    Development of the screening tool HEILUNG

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadTilgangur: Þegar ungt fólk byrjar í framhaldsskóla er það líklegra til að stunda áhættuhegðun, eins og að neyta áfengis, heldur en þeir sem yngri eru. Tilgangurinn með því að þróa þetta skimunartæki er að meta á heildrænan hátt heilbrigði ungs fólks ásamt undirliggjandi áhættuþáttum, áhættuhegðun og verndandi þáttum. Tækið er ætlað skólahjúkrunarfræðingum í framhaldsskólum. Aðferð: Þróun skimunartækisins hEiLung byggðist á kenningu um seiglu, fræðilegri úttekt á rannsóknum um heilbrigði unglinga og ungs fólks og skoðun á matstækjum og skimunartækjum sem notuð hafa verið til að meta heilbrigði (áhættuhegðun, áhættuþætti og verndandi þætti) ungs fólks. Á undirbúningsstigi voru spurningar metnar af fjórum sérfræðingum og var það auk þess lagt fyrir sex ungmenni. Niðurstöður: Þegar undirbúningsvinna hEiLung var komin á lokastig innihélt það 34 spurningar. Spurningarnar komu inn á andlega, líkamlega, félagslega og kynferðislega þætti voru en einnig um lífsstíl ungs fólks og gefa þannig heildræna sýn á heilbrigði þess. Það tekur 2–4 mínútur að svara spurningunum. Skimunartækið var byggt upp þannig að fyrst komu spurningar um verndandi þætti, því næst fylgdu spurningar um áhættuþætti og áhættuhegðun. Svarmöguleikar á skimunartækinu voru settir fram þannig að auðvelt væri fyrir skólahjúkrunarfræðing í klínísku starfi að lesa úr því. Ályktanir: Skimunartækið byggist á gagnreyndri þekkingu. Ekkert skimunartæki fannst sem bæði metur áhættuþætti og áhættuhegðun en jafnframt verndandi þætti. Þegar hEiLung var útbúið var ekkert slíkt skimunartæki í notkun meðal skólahjúkrunarfræðinga sem störfuðu í framhaldsskólum hér á landi. Eins og önnur skimunartæki þá er hEiLung ætlað að gefa grófa mynd af viðfangsefninu, í þessu tilfelli heilbrigði ungs fólks. næsta skref er að forprófa skimunartækið við klínískar aðstæður.Purpose:When young people start high-school they are more likely to behave in a risky manner, such as using alcohol, than younger people. The purpose of developing this screening tool is to holistically assess young people’s health and underlying risk factors, risk behavior and protective factors. it is developed for school nurses in the high-schools. Method: The development of the screening tool hEiLung was based on the theory of resilience, literature review of studies about the health of young people and by examining measurements and screening tools used for assessing the health of young people (risk factors, risk behavior and protective factors). During the developmental stage four specialists evaluated the questions and the questions were also administered to six young people. Results:When the developement of the screening tool HEILUNG was at its final stage it consisted of 34 questions. The questions were about physical, mental, social, sexual and lifestyle health issues and gave a holistic view of health. it takes 2-4 minutues to administer. The questions were arranged in that way that the first questions were about protective factors followed by questions about risk factors and risk behavior. The test items were arranged to make it easy for school nurses in their clinical work to analyse the results. Conclusions: The screening tool hEiLung is evidence based. When it was developed no such screening tool was found which focused both on risk factors, risk behavior and protective factors. no such tool was in use by school nurses within the high-schools in iceland. hEiLung is identical to other screening tools meant to give a course picture of the matter under investigation, in this case the health of young people. The next step is to do a pilot test of the screening tool within a clinical setting

    „It is not complicated“ Condom use of young men

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    Tilgangur: Klamydía er algengur kynsjúkdómur meðal ungs fólks. Helsta forvörnin felst í smokkanotkun en lítið er vitað um hana meðal ungra karlmanna hérlendis. Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar er að skoða hvaða þættir skipta máli við smokkanotkun ungra karlmanna, bæði hvetjandi og letjandi þættir. Aðferð: Rannsóknin grundvallast á eigindlegri aðferð, rýnihóparannsókn. Þátttakendur voru valdir í rannsóknina með tilgangs- og snjóboltaúrtaksaðferð. Þeir voru nemendur í tveimur framhaldsskólum, annar í Reykjavík og hinn á Akureyri. Tekin voru viðtöl við sex rýnihópa. Viðtölin voru skráð frá orði til orðs og greind í þemu með rammaaðferð. Niðurstöður: Alls tóku 36 ungir karlmenn, á aldrinum 18-23 ára, þátt í rannsókninni. Niðurstöður leiddu í ljós fjögur þemu, sem voru grín og sprell, þægilegra án smokks, skrítið augnaráð og eyðileggur „momentið“. Í gegnum þemun eru lýsingar á letjandi og hvetjandi þáttum. Fram kom að það helsta sem hindraði notkun smokka var takmörkuð fræðsla, neikvæð viðhorf, erfiðleikar við að kaupa smokka og notkun þeirra. Það sem einkum hvatti til smokkanotkunar voru mögulegar neikvæðar afleiðingar áhættuhegðunar, jákvæð viðhorf til smokka og notkunar þeirra sem gaf til kynna sjálfsöryggi þátttakenda. Ályktun: Ungum karlmönnum finnst lítið vera rætt við þá um smokkanotkun, þá skortir fræðslu um smokka og fyrirmyndir um notkunina. Kennarar og skólahjúkrunarfræðingar í grunn- og framhaldsskólum landsins þurfa að fá menntun og þjálfun til að koma kynfræðsluefni um smokka betur áleiðis til ungra karlmanna. Jafnframt þarf að styrkja foreldra í uppeldishlutverki sínu varðandi kynheilbrigðismál. Bæta þarf sýnileika og aðgengi að smokkum. ENGLISH SUMMARY Aim: Chlamydia is prevalent among young people in Iceland. The main prevention is condom use but limited knowledge is available about this use among Icelandic young men. The purpose of this study is to explore important factors regarding condom use, both facilitators and barriers. Method: The study is qualitative and is based on focus groups. Purposeful and snow-ball sample methods were used to recruit participants. They were students in two secondary schools, one in Reykjavík and another one in Akureyri. Six focus groups were interviewed. The interviews were typed verbatim and thematically analysed by using the framework analysis method. Results: Totally 36 young men, in the age group 18-23, participated in the study. The results revealed four themes which were Fun and prank, More comfortable without the condom, Strange look and Spoiling the moment. Through the themes there are descriptions of barriers and facilitators. What mostly hindered condom use was limited knowledge, negative attitudes, difficulties buying and using condoms. What mostly encouraged condom use were the possible negative consequences of risk behavior, positive attitudes towards condoms and their use which indicated self confidence of participants. Conclusion: Young men experienced limited discussion about condom use, they lacked information about condoms and role models regarding the use. Teachers and school health nurses in primary and secondary schools in the country need education and training in order to boost young men with better information. Also, parents need support in their child-rearing role regarding sexual- and reproductive health. Improved visibility and accessibility of condoms is needed.Peer reviewe

    Body appreciation around the world: Measurement invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age

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    The Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) is a widely used measure of a core facet of the positive body image construct. However, extant research concerning measurement invariance of the BAS-2 across a large number of nations remains limited. Here, we utilised the Body Image in Nature (BINS) dataset - with data collected between 2020 and 2022 - to assess measurement invariance of the BAS-2 across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis indicated that full scalar invariance was upheld across all nations, languages, gender identities, and age groups, suggesting that the unidimensional BAS-2 model has widespread applicability. There were large differences across nations and languages in latent body appreciation, while differences across gender identities and age groups were negligible-to-small. Additionally, greater body appreciation was significantly associated with higher life satisfaction, being single (versus being married or in a committed relationship), and greater rurality (versus urbanicity). Across a subset of nations where nation-level data were available, greater body appreciation was also significantly associated with greater cultural distance from the United States and greater relative income inequality. These findings suggest that the BAS-2 likely captures a near-universal conceptualisation of the body appreciation construct, which should facilitate further cross-cultural research